A gas boiler is a complex piece of equipment that can malfunction just like any part of our household appliances. Detecting visual signs of malfunction such as leakage and inability to fire up can be an indicator that your gas boiler needs an emergency service.
Water Dripping From Gas Boiler
Detecting water leaking from your gas boiler can indicate lots of reasons that may have caused it. For example, a pressure valve that exceeds it’s optimum value is causing the water to leak to release the pressure. Limescale resulting in obstruction can be the cause of that pressure.
Corroded pipes and tanks will weaken with time and will cause leakage. That problem can be localised or widespread and the only way to know that is to invite a service engineer to examine the entire system.
If the leakage is left unattended you can run into further corrosion, rust and damaged property. Water can also cause electric components to short circuit.
When you notice that your boiler is leaking it is advisable to switch off the boiler. A gas boiler consists of many electrical parts and if water gets into any of the risk of causing a bigger is increased damaging the system. For your own safety you should book your appointment with a service engineer as soon as you can.
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Gas Boiler Doesn’t Fire Up
When a gas boiler doesn’t fire up it means that there has been a unusual signal detected by a gas boiler causing it to lockout. However before you start to panic there are a few things to troubleshoot. First, check the main gas switch and do the same thing with your electricity switch board. It could have been the case that it was switched off or in the case of electricity knocked off.
The second thing that you can do is to restart your gas boiler. You can either consult your user manual or find the switch on your boiler on your own. You should be aware that you will need to reset your on and off times after the reset.
If that doesn’t help and your boiler keeps failing to fire up, due to a variety of reasons, you should ring your registered gas installer.

Gas Boiler Dublin
Gas boilers are complicated structures due to their large variety of parts and compounds. That’s why you need a qualified, skilled and experienced engineer in a case of an emergency which both of the cases discussed above are.
It is important to understand that servicing your gas boiler annually can prevent it from facing an emergency and will prolong its lifespan. Our team is based in Dublin servicing Leinster areas and we will try to accommodate all calls to the best of our abilities in case of your emergencies.
We also specialise in custom commercial projects and if you're a business owner you can avail of our bespoke exhibition stand. Our experienced designers and carpenters will be able to take into account all of your needs to produce samples of exhibition stand designs to boost your sales up at a trade show.